Great success on Automatica

Last week, a large part of the Trendlog team was in Munich at the Automatica 2022 trade fair, where we were part of Odense Robotics’ Danish pavilion. And what a week it was!
It was a packed program that offered, among other things, a pitch at investor summit, an evening at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the Danish consulate and several networking events. Besides that, we also met a lot of new people, who we showed how easy it is to collect data from production machines with a Trendlog Collect box.
Wednesday morning was the highlight of the week, because here we hosted a big party, as we welcomed the latest member of the Trendlog product family. Prior to the launch party, we had decorated our part of the Danish pavilion with balloons matching the Trendlog colors, and together with robot guru Esben Østergaard Lars revealed what we have been developing over the past year; our brand-new data collector: Trendlog Collect i4.0 – and if you have not yet seen it, then you can read more about Trendlog Collect i4.0 here.
Now that we are back home at the office again, we look forward to catching up with all the good contacts we have made in Munich.
If you want to see more of our new Trendlog Collect i4.0 box, or you want to more about digitization in production industry, then do not hesitate to contact us.
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