Trendlog as a tool for sustainability: Target 12.3

Sustainable Development Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
Food waste is a global problem. It is estimated that in 2019 there was a worldwide food waste of 931 million tonnes. In the same year, Denmark had a waste of approx. 470,000 tonnes, which makes the average for a household in Denmark 81 kg. of waste per year. These are severe numbers that demand action.
* The figures include both consumers, retailers and producers.
Target 12.3
“By 2030, halve per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and reduce food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses”
Food waste brings other problems
Food waste has a major impact on the climate. When food is wasted, it is also a waste of resources. It requires energy to produce it, which applies to all types of food. The transport also emits CO2, and the shops that sell the goods also require electricity and use of resources. If it goes to waste without being able to be recycled or if it ends up as animal feed, there is waste in the entire supply chain from producer to consumer.
These figures are connected with the figures that were presented in the Trendlog article on SDG target 9.4 concerning the annual emission of CO2.
Food can only be recycled to a limited extent, therefore it is also important to have systems in place to ensure that there is as little food waste as possible.
The consumer society and the mentality that goes with it must be taken care of. It is a long-term struggle, which also means that small actions now will have great significance as more and more time goes by.
A way to prevent foodwaste
AXEL MÅNSSON A/S produces organic agricultural products. They are a customer of They use Data Collection and Trendlog’s Maintenance Planner on 500 different units, which helps to ensure that they maintain their production and prevents unforeseen downtime and production stops. In this way, they ensure that they avoid waste and problems during harvest and production. is already cooperating with several agricultural producers, where the solutions make a difference in their daily production. This manifests itself in the form of better resource efficiency, greater overview of waste areas and thorough planning of maintenance of equipment and machinery. If you want to develop your business and promote a greener future, please contact us here and let’s have a chat about what we can do for you!
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