Trendlog’s Top 3 for 2022

Dec 21, 2021

Companies of all sizes have opened up to working towards flexibility, sustainability, and profitability with data as a starting point. But what does the future hold for the digitizing companies? Keep reading for our top three data trends of 2022. 

Since we launched the Trendlog blog, we have experienced great interest in the advantages that effective use of data brings to the companies. That is why, in our last blog post, we presented a couple of concrete recommendations on how to get your company started using data efficiently today. 

Walking towards the end of the year we will look into the future and anticipate how tech-trends will affect the companies in the new year. Read our top three list for 2022 and get a technological head start. 

1) Visio-systems

Camera controlled monitoring systems with built in artificial intelligence face its breakthrough. These systems can help recognize the situations in the plant that lead to breakdowns, dangerous situations, or work incidents. Thus, the systems can also learn to recognize patterns in the rate of production and can warn you before inconvenient situations occur. The potentials of this technology are huge, as it can create safer and more stable production environments. Trendlog can also play a key role in this context, in terms of monitoring and reporting of data for visio-systems that make them far more precise and efficient. 

2) Exquisite design becomes standard

It’s a bit weird that it hasn’t happened earlier, but the distinct focus on user-friendly and exquisite design, as we know it from smartphones and other electronics, is expected to make it onto the agenda of production companies in 2022. Working with data has to be easy and simple, and the devices can feel good and look exquisite. This trend will simply affect the wish to work actively with data, as it will seem easy and intuitive. A concrete example could be the increased prevalence of voice-controlled solutions, which we know from Siri. The technologies save more time compared to manual controlling and reporting. At Trendlog we expect much more of this in 2022. It will also make a positive difference for customer visits, if the machines and units are of exquisite design. All in all, we forecast a breakthrough for the link between intelligent data analysis and exquisite design. 

3) Flow and predictive maintenance

A third trend, of which we already experienced the contours in 2021, and will set the agenda in 2022 is the so-called predictive maintenance. Rather than maintaining, repairing and upgrading by fixed or planned intervals, we Trendlog expect that many companies will start working more dynamically with their machinery. Working actively with machine data makes it possible to ensure the necessary capacity when it’s required, and avoid costly breakdowns. Furthermore, there will be less firefighting and more space for planning and developing. It will ensure a less stressful and more productive work environment for the employees, which is the reason why we at Trendlog want to share our knowledge and experiences about predictive maintenance.


What are YOUR expectations?

We hope you can spot the potentials of some of these trends. It’s always a challenge trying to forecast the future, and at the same time next year we will be able to tell whether we hit the bullseye. Looking at the macro trends, we see happening now, we expect that the above mentioned trends will set the way for 2022. 

Question of the day:

What kind of trends do you believe will affect 2023?

We invite you to tells us about it – directly or in the comment sections of our social media –  and stay tuned on the blog, where we will return with new topics and formats!

Lars Märcher Sandig

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